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免费ai聊天机器人- 坚果海外加速器

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  • Punch Needle Supplies

    Modern Punch Needle Supplies

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免费ai聊天机器人- 坚果海外加速器

Hello! Welcome to North Shore Crafts. I'm honored to share this space in creativity with you. 

~ NEW to Punch Needle? - Head to the START HERE tab.

~ Know the ropes? - SHOP below! 

~ PLEASE share your projects at #northshorecrafts


xx, Shawna 





Plastic free packaging and shipping. All Natural Yarns and Fabrics. Wood and metal frame options. 



A free 'Share the Love' greeting card accompanies each and every order. 



Not your grandma's punch needle. 



Instant {Punching} to your Door

免费ai聊天机器人- 坚果海外加速器

Fun, fun, fun!

This was the perfect combination of crafting and calming for me!  I loved being able to tailor the patterns to my own wishes; through color, texture and loop length. And getting the hang of this was quick-even starting from having no clue how to start.  You literally can't screw it up!  It didn't take longer than an hour start to finish and left me wanting to do more.  Fun, fun, fun!

- Kalika Jantzen

My Projects Turned Out So Pretty!

My best adjective for punch needle: satisfying!  I love how you can complete a project in a fairly short time frame and easily chat with a friend or listen to a podcast while you do it.  The techniques are not complicated - I easily learned the basics in just a few minutes - and mistakes can easily be fixed.  And, best of all,  my projects turned out so PRETTY. 

- Brooke Petermann


免费ai聊天机器人- 坚果海外加速器

Thank you for sharing with ME!! I had never heard of punch needle until my aunt passed away this spring and she loved all things fiber. We were going through her things and I found a kit of hers (not my style). When I found your kits I was super excited to learn how to do it, and a simple style I love!

Suze B

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